
At what age can children wear face masks safely? Can babies wear masks?

DETROIT – There’s a lot of information and misinformation out there about the coronavirus (COVID-19), so Local 4 is letting viewers submit questions so we can find verified answers.

Click here if you want to submit a question about the coronavirus.

Dr. Frank McGeorge wants to verify or refute any information about the coronavirus, but there are also some questions experts still don’t know the answer to. McGeorge is discussing them because acknowledging what we don’t know is just as important as verifying information so people don’t rely on incorrect answers.

Can babies wear face masks?

Face masks are expected to be a part of our lives for months to come, but not for everyone. The CDC said children under 2-years-old should not wear a mask or any other face covering due to a risk of choking, strangulation, or suffocation.

Babies and younger toddlers have smaller airways and breathing through a mask is more difficult for them.

The CDC also wants residents to know you should not put a mask on anyone who may not be able to remove it themselves.

That said, most adults and children over two can wear a face covering safely.

Regardless of what kind of mask you are wearing, it is very important to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before you put it on and after you take it off.

You want to avoid touching your face with unclean hands or unclean gloves.

You also want to avoid adjusting or fiddling with your mask while you’re wearing it. It’s important to make sure it fits close to your face.

RELATED: How to keep your glasses from getting foggy while wearing a mask

It should cover both your nose and your mouth.

You do not need to wear your mask if you are driving around in your car, but you should put it on before you get out if you’re going into a store or anyplace else where it is difficult to maintain proper distance.

People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider immediately.

Question about coronavirus? Ask Dr. McGeorge here.

Read more about coronavirus here.

About the Authors

Dr. McGeorge can be seen on Local 4 News helping Metro Detroiters with health concerns when he isn't helping save lives in the emergency room at Henry Ford Hospital.

Dane is a producer and media enthusiast. He previously worked freelance video production and writing jobs in Michigan, Georgia and Massachusetts. Dane graduated from the Specs Howard School of Media Arts.

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