Pool and playground coronavirus safety: Here’s what to know

Less is more at the pool and playground

Pool safety:

The risk of coronavirus at the pool isn’t from the water, it’s from the people.

The less people at the pool, the less risk of virus. Consider going at a less popular time.

The CDC says the coronavirus will not survive in a well-kept pool. Make sure you’re only swimming in pools that are cleaned regularly.

Read more: CDC’s “Considerations for Public Pools, Hot Tubs, and Water Playgrounds During COVID-19″

The virus can survive on surfaces, so pool staff should be cleaning surfaces often -- gates, chairs, etc. Always wash your hands, even at the pool.

Stick to social distancing, too. Try to keep 6 feet between you and others. If you can, wear a mask when you’re not in the water.

Playground safety:

At the playground, less is more. Try to time your visits for when there are less kids. Most cities are not cleaning playground structures because it’s just not practical.

Sunlight will kill the virus on playground surfaces, but take along hand sanitizer, too. Keep the kids from touching their faces, eyes or mouths.

Wear a mask if there are other people at the playground.

About the Author
Frank McGeorge, MD headshot

Dr. McGeorge can be seen on Local 4 News helping Metro Detroiters with health concerns when he isn't helping save lives in the emergency room at Henry Ford Hospital.
