
Experts look to Wisconsin’s COVID-19 numbers as a warning

Wisconsin’s case count rising sharply since September

Cases of COVID-19 are climbing in many states, but a highly notable one is our neighbor to the west -- Wisconsin.

Michigan reported 1,586 cases Tuesday while Wisconsin reported nearly 5,000.

With a population of roughly 60% of Michigan’s, Wisconsin could be a cautionary tale of what’s to come.

Medical experts are expecting confirmed coronavirus cases to increase in Michigan again, it’s only a question of how far and how fast -- that’s why looking to Wisconsin is helpful. Wisconsin’s numbers shot up like a rocket and Michigan’s numbers are aiming that way, too.

Until the beginning of September, Wisconsin’s 7-day average stayed below 1,000 a day. Since Sept. 9, their case counts have gone up. In Michigan, we crossed the 1,000 cases-a-day mark roughly three weeks ago and our cases continue to rise.

That doesn’t mean Michigan is destined to follow Wisconsin’s lead by three weeks, but everyone should take the trend seriously.

A new Michigan hotspot is where the U.P borders Wisconsin.

About the Author

Dr. McGeorge can be seen on Local 4 News helping Metro Detroiters with health concerns when he isn't helping save lives in the emergency room at Henry Ford Hospital.

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