
Detroit residents 60 and older with certain medical conditions can now receive COVID-19 vaccine

Appointments can be scheduled by calling 313-230-0505

Vials of the COVID-19 vaccine

DETROIT – Detroit residents who are 60 and older and have certain chronic medical conditions can now get the COVID-19 vaccine, Mayor Mike Duggan said.

“Detroit is committed to making vaccines available to all our most vulnerable residents,” Duggan said. “People with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or other chronic conditions have death rates from COVID far greater than the general population.”

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The vaccinations will take place at the TCF Center, Duggan said. Eligible residents should make appointments at TCF starting Wednesday by calling 313-230-0505.

Wheelchair accessible transportation can be arranged by calling 313-208-7364.

“I am glad with the Governor’s support we are able to reduce the age for those with chronic disease to 60.  It’s my hope in the near future we will be able to lower it again to age 55,” Detroit Chief Public Health Officer Denise Fair said.

She called Wednesday’s announcement “a major step forward in reducing the worst effects of COVID.”

Among the conditions included are:

  • Cancer (current and in remission)
  • Asthma
  • Heart conditions
  • Hypertension
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • HIV
  • COPD
  • Type 1 or 2 diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dementia
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Liver disease
  • Dementia
  • Coronary artery disease

Appointments will be available as early as this week, according to the city.

When patients arrive at their appointments, they will be asked to show evidence of their medical condition, such as a health provider note, insurance record, prescription bottle or any other document that verifies their condition.

Last week, Duggan made residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their live-in caregivers eligible for the vaccine. He also announced Senior Saturdays -- a series of weekend vaccination events for Detroiters age 65 or older.

Duggan announced a program to provide $2 rides to the TCF center for Detroit residents who don’t have their own transportation. That program includes wheelchair accessible vehicles for individuals with physical disabilities.

Here is the updated list of eligible Detroit residents who can schedule appointments at the TCF Center:

  • Food service workers, including grocery store, restaurant, meat packing and food and beverage handling employees living or working in Detroit.
  • Security guards and janitors living or working in Detroit.
  • Any Detroit resident who is 65 or older (born in 1955 or before).
  • K-12 teachers and support staff and day care workers.
  • S. Post Office Employees who live or work in Detroit.
  • Employees of the city of Detroit or city-related agencies who are working from their regular job site (employees working from home are not eligible at this time).
  • State and federal law enforcement working in Detroit.
  • Members of the Clergy interacting with members of their congregation.
  • Funeral home/mortuary employees working in Detroit.
  • Paid and unpaid people in health care settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials working in Detroit.
  • Members of the city’s disabled community.
  • Home health care workers living in Detroit.
  • Residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their live-in caregivers.
  • Residents 60 and older with chronic health conditions.

Scheduling details

Vaccinations will be administered by appointment only.

Workers and residents will not be vaccinated without making an appointment by calling 313-230-0505.

Grocery store and security guard employees scheduling appointments will be required to provide their name, residence address and age.

For greater efficiency and convenience, the city is recommending that, when possible, eligible members of the same family or neighbors schedule jointly and arrive in the same vehicle.

Group B essential workers will be required to provide the name of their employer and their most recent pay stub to verify their eligibility.

Appointments should last about one hour after entering the TCF garage.

Second vaccination required

Anyone who schedules an appointment will receive two appointment dates -- one for the first dose and another for the required second dose.

Call center staff members will contact each scheduled person beore their second appointment to remind them. Residents will receive specific instructions on when and where to arrive at the TCF Center and where to fill out a basic consent form.

After receiving vaccinations, residents have to stay in their vehicles inside the TCF garage for about 15 minutes to make sure they don’t have any side effects. Medical staff members will be on hand to assist anyone who experiences any side effects.

About the Author

Derick is the Lead Digital Editor for ClickOnDetroit and has been with Local 4 News since April 2013. Derick specializes in breaking news, crime and local sports.

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