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Mosquitoes in Michigan: Here's what to know to help keep them away

Here are some facts you should know about mosquitoes in Michigan that could help you beat the bite this summer: 

Citronella candles don't work

Citronella candles are popular on Michigan patios, but they're basically just mood lighting for mosquitoes. In scientific tests, the citronella candles proved to offer little or no protection from mosquitoes. 

Fans can do the trick

Get a fan if you want to keep the mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes are relatively weak fliers, so a stiff breeze is a real deterrent. A fan also will help disperse the odors and carbon dioxide that draw mosquitoes to humans in the first place. 

What you wear matters

It helps to dress for success. To avoid the bite, go light. Mosquitoes prefer darks colors like black, red and blue. 

Mosquitoes like some people more than others

It's a fact that mosquitoes do like certain people better. It's partially based on each person's individual scent. However, most mosquitoes are more drawn to people with type O blood and women who are pregnant. 

Mosquitoes also target bigger people, likely because they give off more body heat and breathe out more carbon dioxide. 

Beer drinkers beware

One study suggests mosquitoes are more attracted to beer drinkers. It's as if they know a good party when they smell it. 

Swatting helps

If you're swatting at mosquitoes to make them go away, you're not crazy. It actually helps to swat at them. 

Mosquitoes can learn a person's scent and will remember them, according to a study from researchers at Virginia Tech University. They will remember if that person swats them away and are more likely to avoid them and go to the next person. 

About the Author
Frank McGeorge, MD headshot

Dr. McGeorge can be seen on Local 4 News helping Metro Detroiters with health concerns when he isn't helping save lives in the emergency room at Henry Ford Hospital.
