Celebrate National Scotch Day with The Scotchanista

Friday, July, 27 is National Scotch Day, so we invited a local expert to dispel the mysteries and confusion that sometimes surround this whisky. You may recognize Marlin Williams because she sometimes joins us on Mondays for "What's the Buzz," but when she's not on "Live in the D," you can find her on YouTube as The Scotchanista. 

Williams tells us what makes it Scotch whisky. She says it's simple, it's Scotch whisky if it was made in Scotland. So all whisky is not Scotch, but all Scotch is whisky. The Scotchanista brought in a few bottles of single malt for Tati and Jason to try. 

Williams became The Scotchanista because one night she was sitting at home and was watching "Columbo" and she loved the way Scotch looked in the glass. The Scotchanista was born. 

You can find more about The Scotchanista by following her on YouTube.