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Kick off Leon Day making holiday gifts by knitting or needlepoint

Make gifts for the entire family taking up knitting and needlepoint

June 25th means the holidays are six months away, are you thinking about gifts yet? Today is Leon Day, which is Noel spelled backwards. The day is meant to inspire your holiday gift giving plan, particularly if you are making gifts by hand. Kila Peeples went to a shop in Grosse Pointe Woods to see how holiday pre-planners can get a jump start on their own homemade gifts.

The ladies at the Knotted Needle said this is prime time to begin knitting gifts for your family. Manager Ellen Taylor said making scarves, mittens, hats and other clothes is a totally achievable goal. All you have to do is dedicate time either each day or over the weekend and you can be wrapped up (get it?) with your presents by the fall. Same goes for needlepoint, depending on the size of the project.

Watch the video above to see what great gifts you can make by needlepoint or knitting.