There’s wild fun for all at the Toledo Zoo

The zoo has a new exhibit to experience

This is the summer to seek out new experiences while safe distancing and there is a place to discover where all ages will have a good time. That place is the Toledo Zoo. It’s just a short drive away and now there is a new exhibit to explore. The new exhibit is called the “Barnyard Exhibit” and you can learn about the animals and their different needs.  CEO Jeff Sailer joined host Jason Carr via Skype to talk about all there is to see at the zoo.”The Toledo Zoo is a great experience. We’re an easy day trip away from Detroit. The exhibits are all really accessible to the public. You can have a great day here and see a lot of cool animals, learn a lot, and do that all safely with social distancing,” Sailer said. 

To plan your visit to the Toledo Zoo visit their website