This fun outdoor activity is social distancing friendly

This game is a hole in one for the whole family

Firefighters Park – Looking for something fun to do with the family? Something outdoors that won’t break the bank? Why not try disc golf! Anyone can play it, and you can easily do it while social distancing.

This leisurely sport is played very similarly to how golf is played, it just uses different elements. Instead of a club, you use your arm, instead of a ball you have a disc, and instead of a hole, you have a metal basket. Your goal is to get the disc into the basket in as few of throws as possible.

Now they are discs, not Frisbees, because they are a bit heavier and are specifically designed for the sport. There are different types of discs and they include drivers (sharp so they can cut through the air and go long distances), mid-range (used for getting near the basket), and putters (used close-range for accuracy).

Michelle Oliver and Kila Peeples decided to try out the sport for the first time, and asked Professional Disc Golfer, Siegfried “Ziggy” Bierekoven, to share his expertise and help them out. One of his main pieces of advice was to throw the disc-like you are pulling a lawnmower when you tee off, the form is like a backhand in tennis. Watch the video above for more tips, and watch as Kila and Michelle learn more about how to do it.

To play disc golf, all you need are the discs, which are typically $10-15 per disc, and many of the courses are free. For the nearest disc golf course, visit the Professional Disc Golf Association website. Kila and Michelle learned how to play at Firefighter’s Park in Troy. If you would like to take lessons, contact Ziggy Bierekoven over Facebook.