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Here are important facts about the flu

Beaumont Hospitals are helping you get through flu season safely

This article is sponsored by Beaumont.

Host Tati Amare spoke with Dr. Asha Shajahan about what symptoms to look out for during flu season and how to avoid getting sick.

The flu usually appears with symptoms like headaches, fever, running nose, cough, and body aches. Dr. Shajahan says that the number one thing you can do to avoid getting the flu is to get your flu vaccine and social distance from others.

It’s important to know that a fever is 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. A high fever above 103 or 104 can cause brain damage, heart damage, or seizures. Dr. Shajahan suggests that as soon as your temperature starts reaching 101, you will want to take medication such as Ibuprofen to bring it down.

If someone has the flu they are contagious. Those with the flu are usually contagious the day before they show symptoms and 5 to 7 days after. If you have the flu you should stay home and social distance from others in your home.

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