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What’s your spring Cleaning routine?

What’s The Buzz looks at different ways to start fresh

It looks like the snow might be gone for good, which means it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning. For What’s the Buzz, Jason had Lauren Crocker from The Blaine Fowler Morning Show on 96.3 WDVD, Jason Hall with RiDetroit, and local comedian Melanie Hearn stop by to chat about how they tidy up for the season.

Often the biggest question about spring cleaning is where to start. For Crocker, cleaning out the closet is the best place to start, since clearing out space means she’ll get to revamp her wardrobe for the season. For Hearn, she said she has to start with the car since the mess builds up during the winter. Hall on the other hand, says he’s in a continuous state of cleaning, so he “starts” with the whole house.

Cleaning out space in the spring also means making room for new tech. Hall said that for him the change in season means a new bike and new stuff for the car.

Hearn said spring is the best excuse to go shopping, since there’s plenty of space for new things. Crocker agreed, but also pointed out that “there is not a bad season to go shopping in my book.”

Spring cleaning means a more organized house, but there’s always a couple of chores that are harder than others. For Hearn it’s the attic. She said she probably hasn’t even been up there since putting the tree away at Christmas.

Crocker and Hall say that their worst chore is doing yard-work. Crocker loves the completed look, but said she’d rather hire Jason to help her actually get it done. For Hall, he said it’s his dog’s fault for making the yard a bigger mess than it needs to be.

To hear the whole conversation, watch the video above.