Flowers will be in “bloom” again at this Ann Arbor event

The Ann Arbor Bloom Fest returns as an in-person event that celebrates flowers and Spring

One thing many of us missed out on last year was all the annual festivals we love to visit in and around Detroit. This year some of those festivals are returning, but in a new way that is safe and a bit different than what we are previously used to. The Ann Arbor Bloom Fest is this Saturday and local businesses are looking forward to people coming out, enjoying the nice weather and beautiful flowers. Lauren Bloom, owner of Bloom Meadworks, Ashleigh Kish, manager of Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea, and Jake Doyal, of Black Pearl restaurant, joined Tati Amare to discuss the event.

Bloom said the fest will have the usual fare of live music, flower vendors, and restaurant specials, however COVID-19 guidelines will be enforced. Kish and Doyal spoke about the cocktails and dishes that will be featured especially for the fest, such as fish tacos, cold brew coffee and iced tea 6-packs.

Watch the video above to hear more about The Ann Arbor Bloom Fest.