It’s kitten season -- an exciting yet problematic time. Here’s what it means and how you can help.

Robin, a 5 year-old cat in need of a forever home

Did you know springtime is also kitten season?

More kittens are born this time of year than any other, and that can spell trouble, because many are born outdoors and have no one to take care of them. However, there are ways you can help.

Anna Chrisman from Michigan Humane joined “Live in the D” host Tati Amare to explain.

The season was coined by animal welfare professionals, and it takes place throughout spring and into early summer, when they see a massive influx of kittens arriving to shelters, with or without moms. The kittens end up stretching shelter care pretty thin, as they require more attention and help than other older animals.

This goes for foster care, as well, since many of the kittens need extra time and space to grow bigger, away from the shelter.

If you would like to help out, here are several ways you can do so:

  1. Spay and/or neuter your cats so there are no unwanted pregnancies.
  2. Don’t let your cats roam around outside freely.
  3. Participate in trap-neuter-return programs, such as being a feral colony caretaker.
  4. Become a foster caregiver.

For information click or tap here.

Chrisman also introduced us to a furry feline in need of a home: Robin. She is about 5 years old and loves to snuggle.

If you are home a good chunk of time and want a companion, she would be a great fit for you. A quieter home is probably best for her, but if you have young children or other animals, it is best if she is introduced to them gently.

If you end up adopting Robin, the Pet of the Week, the The Mike Morse Law Firm will pay all your standard adoption fees.