2 common mistakes you could be making when it comes to your air conditioning unit

Let’s keep you cool this summer

Warmer temperatures mean you’ll likely be cranking up your air conditioner soon.

“Live in the D” host Jason Carr spoke with Dean Bacheller from Affordable Heating and Cooling about how to get your A/C unit in top shape for the summer.

He said there are two common mistakes people make when it comes to their units:

1. Turning off the A/C unit before going to bed. Because it’s so hot during the day, it will actually be harder for your house to cool down the next morning when you attempt to turn off the A/C at night.

2. When people try to beautify their outdoor units by planting flowers and plants next to them. The flowers and plant can easily grow and take over the unit, adding extra debris to the panels, which can cause it to run inefficiently.

Bacheller also spoke about air filters, which can be a bit deceiving, because they are actually meant to protect your air system, not filter your air.

Affordable Comfort Heating and Cooling clean out air conditioning systems and get your home ready for the summer heat.

There are offices located in Allen Park and Canton.

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