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Do bamboo paper towels work as well as they claim?

Try It Out Tuesday tests whether they hold up

When paper products were flying out of stores and on back order during quarantine times, there were many alternative items people turned to, including bamboo paper towels. These claim to be thicker and tougher than traditional paper products, as well as also anti-bacterial, and eco-friendly because you can wash and re-use them. For Try It Out Tuesday, Kila Peeples bought ultra-soft bamboo towels, and used them to remove make-up. Then she washed them in the washing machine to see if the towels would come out clean and still usable. Bamboo towels can also be used as baby wipes, hand towels in the kitchen or bathroom, and for cleaning purposes. Did the towels stay strong against the make-up and washing machine?

Watch the video above to see how it turned out!