Shopping and hip-hop holiday fun are what’s happening this weekend

A classic holiday tale and craft fairs are what’s happening around the D

You might have already started your holiday gift shopping, or it may be on your to-do list, but there are some events happening this weekend that will help you find a few presents for your loved ones. Kila Peeples joined Tati Amare and Kim DeGiulio to talk about what’s happening around the D this weekend, and they will surely get you in the holiday spirit.

If you want to get into the holidays in a more traditional way, Meadowbrook Theater will be hosting A Christmas Carol. This is the 39th year the theater will tell the classic Charles Dickens tale of cranky Ebenezer Scrooge and the ghosts who visit him to remind him of the true meaning of Christmas. Tickets are $45, and you can catch the play at Meadowbrook Theater until Dec. 23rd.

The Piquette Holiday Craft & Gift Fair will be held at the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant this weekend. Several Detroit and Michigan vendors will be there with goods on display where you can find the perfect present. The fair is Thursday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., tickets are available online and at the door. Donations of canned goods and toys will be accepted as well, which will be given to Gleaners Food Bank and Brilliant Detroit.

Another fun way to shop will be at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair at the Masonic Temple. More than 100 vendors will be there selling jewelry, clothing, artwork, and more. This kicks off Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and will continue throughout the weekend.

Finally, if you like your holiday cheer with a little kick, the Hip-Hop Nutcracker will be a the Detroit Opera House. Not only will you get the classic music from the Nutcracker, they have added in some hip-hop dancing, a DJ, and a violinist. Hip-Hop Nutcracker will be on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. and it is an all ages event. Tickets are available on the Opera House website.