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A strategic way to get the most out of your holiday shopping when buying local

Holiday Markets are still open at Eastern Market for the last minute shoppers

Just one weekend left before Christmas Day and that means you only have one more chance to shop local at the Holiday Markets in Eastern Market. This is your chance to shop several Michigan vendors all in one place!

Lonni Thomas, the Senior Market Manager at Eastern Market, stopped by Live In The D to share some of the things you’ll find at the holiday markets and give her a strategy for getting the most out of your trip.

Lonni showed off some of the items you’ll find at the Holiday Market including a handmade camo leather bag from Raggedy Bags, body care items from Michelle’s Creations and Luxe, as well as the mandatory Detroit t-shirt that you need to have as part of your wardrobe.

There are also food boxes which were started during the pandemic to supply food to those who couldn’t visit the market. With your $25 purchase, Eastern Market will match it with a food box that will go to a senior citizen in need.

Shopping is its own experience that can be very chaotic this time of year, Lonni offered up a strategy to help. She said the first thing you should do is park your car and walk through the sheds. This will help you see what’s is being offered so you can make a list of what to grab as you walk back through.

Watch the video to see more of the cool gifts you can find at Holiday Markets.