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Winter weather leaving lips and hands dry? Here’s how to get relief

Helpful ways to protect your lips and hands

Frosty winter weather is now here, and it can wreak havoc on your hands and lips. You might be already experiencing some dryness, chapping, and cracking.. Diana Adams, founder of Glo Aesthetics, spoke to Tati Amare about some ways we can combat the effects of the dry, cold winter elements on our hands and lips.

The weather, and constant mask wearing, may be taking its toll on our lips, but Diana said there are a few things you can do to help protect them. Start by exfoliating your lips to remove dry, dead skin by lightly scrubbing them with items found around the house, such as sugar or salt. Or, take a washcloth while in the shower and scrub your lips, then hydrate them with a balm. Diana also said it is important to wear a scarf over your face to protect your skin from the cold winds.

Our hands are not only dry due the weather, but also from constant washing and use of sanitizer. Diana said to find a good sanitizer with an aloe element added to it. She also suggested “slugging”, something that has been done since the 1800s, and has become a big topic on TikTok. It is when you cover hands and feet with a hydrating serum, then cover them with socks or gloves overnight. Diana suggests staying away from using petroleum-based products every time, and she said it works best when done once a week for people with extremely dry skin.

For more on how to properly “slug” you hands, watch the video above.