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Detroit is celebrating culture and traditions this weekend

This is your chance to try traditional foods and learn about Haitian culture

There are several different cultures in the D for everyone to experience and this weekend there is a festival that will embrace diversity, race, and nationality. Today on “Live In The D” host Tati Amare was joined by Shirley Alcé Konaté and Lise-Pauline Barnett from the Haitian Network Group of Detroit to talk about the upcoming Haiti Festival.

Tati said she has attended the festival in the past and says it was a beautiful experience. The Haitian Arts and Crafts Festival is also called, “Bél Bagay Lakay”, which means beautiful things from home.

Shirley says, Haiti always makes it to the news for all of the negative events that take place in the country. Earthquakes and poverty being the most reported on by media outlets. The festival is a way to focus on the positives about the culture. For example, Haiti being the first free black independent republic country in the Western Hemisphere.

Lise-Pauline says the festival will offer painting, music, home décor, activities for children, and hand-made jewelry. Haitian artists from around the country will be featured and selling hand-crafted goods from around the world.

Let’s not forget about the food. Tati says the festival will have her absolute favorite dishes like Djon Djon rice, Haitian creole chicken, and Griyo, which is the national dish of Haiti.

For more information about the Haitian Arts and Crafts Festival, watch this video above.