Does August mark the end of summer?

Is it too early to be looking forward to fall?

We are already in the first week of August, July has come and gone, so does that mean summer is coming to an end? That’s what we talked about today on What’s The Buzz. Joining host Tati Amare to talk about it are Mary Liz Curtin, the owner of Leon and Lulu and the Three Cats Cafe, and Blaine Fowler, host of the Blaine Fowler Morning Show on 96.3 WDVD.

So, with August 1st, does it feel like summer is ending? According to Blaine, the answer is yes. He says it feels like Memorial Day was a week ago, and summer is now ending with school starting later on in the month. Plus, the sports seasons are shifting with the Lions at training camp, and the first pre-season NFL game coming up soon. Thinking on the positive side, Tati is trying to hang on to summer and enjoy the nice weather while we have it.

Does that mean it’s time to start thinking about returning to school? Blaine says you should have started thinking about that at the end of June. Getting philosophical, Mary Liz says people like to look towards the future and what’s ahead. As she put it, people will be wearing their bathing suits and thinking about buying Halloween or even Christmas decorations. Tati, on the other hand, says she likes to try and stay in the present. She realized that she was always looking toward the next thing, and wasn’t enjoying what she was currently doing, which at some point was something she was looking forward to.

What does the rest of your summer schedule look like? Is it packed or do you plan to take your time? All three says all their remaining summer weekends are booked up. Tati insists she is going to try and squeeze every last ounce out of summer, while Blaine and Mary Liz are taking a more relaxed approach. They plan to enjoy what time there is left in the season.

For the full discussion, watch the video above.