How to set up a study plan for success at school

Setting a schedule and sticking to it is important

All this week, we have been helping the kids in your life get ready to go back to school. One of the ways to set your kid up for success is to create a good environment at home for learning.

The experts at Great Lakes Learning Academy, an entirely online public charter school, offer advice on how to create a positive study environment at home where the students in your life can learn at their own pace.

Here’s what they recommend:

1. Set a schedule

Kids learn better at different times of the day. Maybe your child pays more attention and can focus at night, or perhaps you have an early riser who’s best first thing in the morning. Whatever the case may be, set a schedule around their most productive hours, and stick to it. This way they will naturally be more motivated and stay focused.

2. Select a location away from distractions

Even the best students can get distracted if the TV is on. You want to set up a place to study that is free from things that will take their attention away from learning.

3. Strong Internet

If your child is learning from home, they need a good internet connection to watch the teacher and interact with the class. Delays or pauses in videos can be very distracting and really inhibit learning. The smoother technology runs, the more kids can focus on learning.

4. Have an updated laptop

As we discussed earlier, the smoother technology runs the better. Having an up-to-date laptop will not only mean less bugs and boot-up time, but it could be the difference between them having the right program to run the class program or not. If a newer laptop is out of reach, clear a lot of the unnecessary programs off of it, and make sure the programs they do need are up to date.

For the full interview, watch the video above. To see more of what Great Lakes Learning Academy offers and to enroll the student in your life, click or tap here or call 517-451-3020.