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Back to school preparations for your pets

3 ways to get your furry friends ready for a shift in routines

Families are getting back into new routines for the start of the school year, and those routines should include your pets.

Devan Bianco from Michigan Humane is back on “Live In The D” with tips for making the transition easier for your furry family members, and she brought in an adorable new pet in need of a home.

According to Bianco, when your children return to school, the feeding and exercise schedule for your pet will change. She recommends shifting mealtimes by 15 minutes each day to the new time before the kids return to school, making time for play and relaxation, and thinking about pet daycare or pet sitters.

Simon is this week’s pet of the week. He is a four-month-old kitten who enjoys cuddling, holding, and being petted. Any home would be a good fit for him, and he would appreciate someone keeping him company because he enjoys attention. A slow introduction is also advised if you have a resident pet.

For whoever adopts today’s pet, the Mike Morse Law Firm will pay the standard adoption fees.