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A bunch of ‘Hocus Pocus’ at Motor City Comic Con

Stars of the original film will be in Novi this weekend

Some of the stars from one of the most popular Halloween movies are coming to Metro Detroit to put a spell on you.

Omri Katz and Vinessa Shaw, who starred in Disney’s “Hocus Pocus”, will be at Motor City Comic Con for a special meet and greet with fans. You might remember them as the characters Max and Allison from the 1993 film, which has become a cult classic.

Katz and Shaw were 16 years old at the time they shot the original film with Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy, who play the Sanderson sister witches. Shaw said they got to shoot a few scenes up close and personal with the trio, but otherwise, they had to imagine them in the sky or imagine they were running from them. However, she said it was “amazing and magical” when they were sharing the screen with Midler, Parker and Najimy.

Nearly three decades later, the story of the Sanderson sister witches is back in the spotlight because of the release of “Hocus Pocus 2″. The sequel shares a different chapter with a plot that gives a look into the witches’ childhood and highlights their sisterly bond. Katz said he thinks it’s a great idea to bring the story back because he called it family-friendly and fun. He said people love the characters and it’s nice to see them back on the screen.

Fans will get a chance to watch the original film at Motor City Comic Con during a special screening with live commentary from Katz, Shaw, and Jason Marsden, who played the role of “Binx” in the movie. Katz said it’s fun when they come together to reminiscence about the past. To experience the special screening and live commentary, fans will need to buy separate admission tickets for the event that takes Friday, October 14th at 8:45 p.m. during Motor City Comic Con.

Convention goers can also book photo ops with the stars throughout Motor City Comic Con. Shaw said people can “fangirl” or “fanboy” over them, but she says they can just as easily melt in a second when they see a celebrity. Shaw said the first convention they did was called 90s Con, and that’s where the actress says she “completely freaked out” when she saw Christopher Lloyd. Shaw said Lloyd was there with the DeLorean from “Back to the Future”, and she had to get a picture with him.

Motor City Comic Con will be held Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16 at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi.

Watch the video above to see “Live In The D” host Jason Carr’s interview with Katz and Shaw.