A special way to celebrate and remember loved ones in Detroit

Crafts, music, dancing, and more

Día De Los Muertos, or “Day of the Dead”, is a Mexican and Latin American tradition celebrated Nov. 1-2. Renee Rodriguez from the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy and Jamie and Luisa Carillo from Ballet Folklorico Moyocoyani Izel joined Tati Amare on “Live in the D” to discuss an upcoming celebration.

According to Rodriguez, Día De Los Muertos celebrates those who have passed.

“Día De Los Muertos is a Mexican holiday that celebrates the cultural traditions around the passing of our loves ones,” said Rodriguez. “It’s an opportunity for us to honor and remember our loved ones in a fun, celebratory way so we like to celebrate with food, music, and dancing, and all the things that make us remember our loved one’s lives here.”

A significant part of the holiday are ofrendas, or altars, said Rodriguez.

“It’s an offering to our loved ones that we’re trying to remember on this day. So, often you’ll see photographs of our loved ones on the altar, you’ll see the foods that they enjoyed in life, beverages they liked drinking, and maybe some tokens and mementos of theirs.”

The event will have numerous food options including tacos, tortas, and Mexican pizza. A popular sweet bread called pan de muerto, or “day of the dead bread” will also be available.

As for activities, the event will include everything from a children’s story hour to crafts to music to dancing.

According to Luisa, the dance is significant to the holiday because it’s authentic to the culture.

“As a dance group, we approach Día De Los Muertos by not only remembering and celebrating the loved ones who have passed, but by embracing the traditions that have been handed down to us…,” said Luisa.

The Día De Los Muertos celebration is Saturday, October 29 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.. It will be held at Valade Park at 2670 Atwater.

To learn more information, and to see Ballet Folklorico Moyocoyani Izel perform, watch the video above.