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Catch up with the actors of “Young Rock”

Find out what it’s like to star in a show based on one of Hollywood’s most famous celebrities

Most of us first heard about international superstar Dwayne Johnson as “The Rock” when he became the biggest thing in the world of wrestling. This season of “Young Rock” will explore that idea further by looking back at the star’s life from three different stages, all of which take place simultaneously.

The show’s stars, Joseph Lee Anderson, Stacey Leilua, and Bradley Constant, joined “Live in the D” with co-host Jason Carr to talk about the upcoming season.

Anderson takes on the role of “Rocky Johnson,” Dwayne’s dad, and one of the most important people in Dwayne’s life. He said that when he first landed the role, he was as nervous as he had ever been, but it was amazing to hear Johnson express how happy he was with how each of them performed.

According to Leilua, viewers can anticipate to see an interesting and exciting pivotal period in Johnson’s career development. She also said that season three is exciting to watch because it shows the real start of the wrestling career we all know and love.

Constant and Anderson met “The Rock” for the first time and said it was awesome, surreal, and cool to see him work. Constant said he even came out between takes to chat with them.

When asked if they get notes from Johnson about how to get things right in scenes that are based on his real life and family, Leilua said no. However, she says that minor tweaks are required when dealing with someone’s personal life. She also said that one thing she loves about playing real people is that they put a lot of trust in her, and the praise she gets from Johnson afterward helps to solidify how the show runs.

You can watch “Young Rock” on Fridays at 8:30 p.m. on Local 4.

Watch the video above for the full interview.