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Ways to reach your weight loss journey goals this year

Nutrition and fitness expert shares advice on how to stick to losing weight this year

As we approach the end of the second week of the New Year, some may find it hard to stick to their planned resolutions. The second Friday in January marks Quitters Day, a day in which many people tend to give up on their resolutions and for many, this common resolution is to lose weight.

Health and Nutrition expert Jody Trierweiler joined “Live In The D” to share advice on how to avoid Quitters Day and reasons as to why you may not be seeing the results you want in your weight loss journey.

According to Trierweiler, the biggest misconception to weight loss success is your diet which will “affect your weight more than any other factor.” Portion sizes play a major role in how we control our diets.

Another reason why you may not see the results you want is the reliance on exercise as a weight loss tool. Trierweiler says that many times people aren’t doing the right amount of exercise necessary to burn the right amount of calories.

For other advice to succeed on your resolution to lose weight, watch the video above for full interview.