Ferndale lounge is purrrfect for cat lovers

Cuddle with cats and possibly adopt one

There’s a lounge in Ferndale where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, hang out and scroll through your phone, and, play with cats! Located inside the Ferndale Cat Shelter is the Catfé, (get it, a café?), ruled by furry cuties, but humans are also invited. “They can sit, play with the kitties, if they’re interested in adopting they can meet kitties that are possible candidates. If they’re wondering if their children may or may not be allergic they can bring kids to spend time here,” Deanne Lovan, Executive Director of the Ferndale Cat Shelter told “Live in the D’s,” April Morton. Spending time with the feline fur balls actually serves a dual purpose. You get to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and the adoption hopefuls get a lesson on what to expect from a future forever home. “It gives the cats the opportunity to get socialized; people, men, women, children. Even the dogs that walk by in the window, they get used to seeing the animals,” Lovan said.

The shelter moved into a brand new 6,000 sq. ft. location in October of 2022. It’s more than 3 times the size of their previous one across the street on Livernois. With the new space, they are planning a lot of cool events. “We’re going to start back our cat bingo, cat trivia, we also have space where people can have birthday parties,” said Lovan. They also serve as a pantry for families in need of pet food. The Catfé is now open, and there is a $15 donation that goes toward adoption fees.

To see the cat cuties in action, click the video above.