How important is good handwriting nowadays?

Can you identify someone by their handwriting?

Remember learning printing and cursive in school? Or are you someone who never learned cursive? Does it even matter?

Well, today is National Handwriting Day, so we invited friends of the show - Comedian Mike Bonner, Comedian Melanie Hearn, and Jason Hall with RiDetroit - to join hosts Tati Amare and Meredith Bruckner and discuss how important handwriting is in the modern age.

First up, they did an experiment to see if you can identify someone by their handwriting. Bonner, Hall, and Hearn all wrote “Live in the D” on a sheet of paper, and Amare and Bruckner had to guess whose was whose. They ended up getting them all correct, despite Bonner and Hearn having very similar handwriting.

Next up: Is cursive dead or should we keep teaching it? Hearn said we should let it die since we hardly use it anymore. Bonner protested, asking how will kids learn to sign their names if we don’t teach cursive? Hall made the point that as long as kids can write legibly, then learning cursive isn’t as important. Joining Bonner’s side, Amare said kids need to learn cursive to understand and read historic documents as well as sign for things.

They also discussed what they thought their handwriting said about them, and whether or not they actually liked their own handwriting.

For the full discussion, watch the video above.