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Have a “paw-tas-tic” day out with a furry friend

Shelter program allows you to spend the day with a pup

Whether its going for a walk at the nature park, or relaxing on a comfy couch, a day out for the dogs at Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit in Dearborn is not taken for granted.

“In a lot of shelters the dogs are so stressed that they actually burn about a double amount of calories. A shelter is supposed to be temporary so when they’re here for longer they can really start to fall apart. “Doggie Day Out” allows them to hit the town while they are waiting for adoption,” Aubrey Cherry, Volunteer Coordinator & Programs Manager with Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit told “Live in the D’s” April Morton.

Cherry says when the dogs get the opportunity to get out for the day, they are ecstatic. She says getting out of the shelter is very important. “Gets them some exercise, its great for them just to see new things.”

It also helps the dogs get acclimated to people, and people who aren’t use to dogs learn more about them. Volunteers who are interested in having a pup for a day, or even overnight, are provided with a bag of doggie essentials, and a form that lists the activities the dog enjoys. All this helps with the adoption process. Depending on their personality, some dogs are active and go running with you, others may just enjoy the quiet time away and take a nap.

April Morton went on a “Doggie Day Out” with a 2 year old mixed breed named Sugar Plum. Click the video above to see their adventure, and for more information about the program.