It’s time to hit the fairways, and here’s how to do so without breaking the bank

Did you know the Metroparks have 7 regulation golf courses?

When the sun is shining, and the grass is green, the golf course is a great place to be.

“It’s a great way to get a little exercise and connect with the outdoors while also playing a game that can be fun and challenging,” explains Joe Fulton, the Park Operations Manager at Kensington and Indian Springs Metropark.

The Huron-Clinton Metroparks system has 7 regulation golf courses, and one par 3 golf course located in St. Clair Metropark. Across the various courses are a variety of amenities including chipping greens, putting greens, rental clubs, driving ranges, and handicap-accessible golf carts. It’s best to call each park to find out what amenities they offer.

Unlike many golf courses, however, the Huron-Clinton Metroparks do not have a pricey membership fee to play on one of their courses. Some do require a Metropark pass which you can get for $45 for the full year (with discounts offered for seniors and residents). They also offer a variety of deals to make the sport more affordable. With their loyalty cards, you can get your 8th round of golf free, or 7th if you are 55 or older, and there are special deals for adults who want to golf with their kids.

All this makes the Huron-Clinton Metroparks a great place to get started in the sport, but if you are a beginner, there is some course etiquette you should know. You will need to keep up your pace of play, and if another group looks like they are waiting on you, you should ask them if they would like to play through. The golf carts should be kept 30 feet away from the greens, and if the weather isn’t cooperating, keep the carts to their designated paths. Always make sure to check the fairway before teeing off so you don’t accidentally hit someone.

For more information, watch the video above, and click or tap here to book your tee time, see their deals and find the course nearest you.