A saxy tribute to Grateful Dead

Artist releases second album featuring the rock band’s music

If you’re a Grateful Dead fan, but also enjoy Jazz music, you’ll enjoy a new project by musician Dave McMurray. The saxophonist paid a visit to “Live in the D” for Music Monday to talk about his latest album, “Grateful Deadication 2.” This is a follow-up album to the first of the same name, and has the same concept.

McMurray said he found inspiration to feature their music by listening to the Grateful Dead, but admits he just found that inspiration in recent years. “I just really discovered them 7 years ago... I just discovered the music and just kinda dove in,” McMurray told host Tati Amare.

He said the album has a mixture of Jazz, Soul and Country, and will feature special guest performers. An album release party will take place Thursday, May 18th, at the Magic Bag in Ferndale.

To see Dave McMurray perform live, click the video above.