College’s best kept secret

This could help your family with college

When it comes to getting a higher education and attending college, there’s something you might not know is available. Have you heard about dual enrollment?

Dual enrollment is a program that allows high school students to take college classes. It’s a great way for students to jumpstart their college academic career and boost their confidence, said Oakland Community College Chancellor Peter Provenzano.

“You take one class through dual enrollment and you get credit for two. So, you’re getting credit toward your high school diploma as well as your college degree, saving a ton of time and a ton of money,” said Provenzano. He explained that high schools often pay for the tuition, books, and fees for students in the dual enrollment program.

The credits that students earn through dual enrollment can then transfer to hundreds of universities across the nation.

Watch the video above or click here to learn more about dual enrollment.