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Try these travel packing tricks

Fit everything you need in a carry-on bag

The summer travel season is in full swing, and whether you’re jumping on a flight, driving in your car, or taking the train to your destination, you’ll want to pack smart. So what should you bring? And, what should you leave at home?

Mary Liz Curtin, an avid traveler and the owner of Leon & Lulu in Clawson, appeared on “Live In The D” to share some advice for packing efficiently. Curtin has traveled to destinations like Paris, Dubai, Egypt, Morocco, Amsterdam, and Milan, along with various domestic locations. Curtin said she can pack everything she needs for two weeks in a small suitcase.

According to Curtin, the first thing you want to do is choose two, possibly three, colors that you’ll wear for your trip, such as black and white or black and green. She explained that you can then mix and match those items to create different outfits. Curtin said not to try to have all different outfits that don’t go together. Before putting everything in your suitcase, she suggests setting out all of the outfits to plan for each day. Then, Curtin said to eliminate anything you don’t need. Another packing tip from Curtin is to only take things that you “love” to wear.

Some of the essential items in Curtin’s book are a flashlight, a scarf, and a handkerchief. She is also a big fan of having a packing cube that will hold everything in place in your suitcase and condense the items. Another tip is that you can also bring a packable duffle bag that can be filled during your travels and brought home.

Watch the video above to hear more of Curtin’s packing advice.