3 things losing weight can change, besides the numbers on the scale

“I’m on fire” says a lady who has lost 35 pounds

Do you want to lose some weight? Everyone has that magic number in their head of pounds they want to shed.

But besides seeing the numbers drop on the scale, there are a lot of benefits to losing fat in a healthy way.

Rusty Lavoy, a lady who recently lost 35 pounds of fat after following her plan from Dr. Guthrie Pure Complete Weight Loss, excitedly shared some of those benefits on a video.

In the clip, she says, “I am on fire!” with a big smile. Having more energy to do what you want is one of the major benefits, she said.

“I’m driving my family crazy, I have so much energy,” Lavoy said.

The increase in energy also helps people to feel younger. In the interview above with Host Tati Amare, Lavoy says she lost 35 pounds and feels 35 years younger. Who doesn’t want to feel younger?

Finally, losing weight can also affect your mindset in a positive way.

“I have so many good thoughts,” Lavoy said. “When you set out a goal and see progress as you work towards it, it can be incredibly rewarding, especially when it comes with the aforementioned boost in energy, and generally youthful feel.”

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