Brewing Beer for 20 years, this Detroit business is celebrating a milestone

And you’re invited to the party

You’re invited to a special celebration this weekend for the anniversary of a first in Detroit. Detroit Beer Company on Broadway has been a popular destination for years and this weekend they are celebrating 20 years downtown. Brewmaster Richard Chesstnut joined hosts Tati Amare and Jasen Magic to discuss what’s planned from the beer selection to the food.

On special this weekend is their anniversary beer, the Detroit Dwarf. This amber ale is a mainstay on their menu, but this weekend they will be serving a triple version of it, amping up the ABV up to 10%.

Their from-scratch kitchen will prepare favorites including pretzels, jambalaya, and an Asian Glazed Salmon. They will have dishes available for vegans and vegetarians as well.

This will all be kicking off on Saturday where they will also have live music and a ceremonial beer tapping for their anniversary ale.

For more details watch the video above.