How to help your pets stay happy and healthy this Thanksgiving

Michigan Humane shares advice

While families gather around the table for Thanksgiving dinner, it might be tempting to sneak your furry friends some snacks. However, it might not be the best idea when it comes to their health.

Anna Chrisman, from the Michigan Humane Society, shared advice to help keep pets happy and healthy for the holiday. Her list includes keeping human food away from pets because many Thanksgiving dishes are toxic to them.

Another key reminder is not to offer turkey bones as a snack. They can easily break and cause issues for pets. Instead, you can give a special pet-safe treat at mealtime, such as a stuffed Kong or snuffle mat filled with their favorite snacks.

If your pet does eat something they shouldn’t, call your nearest emergency veterinarian office.

Michigan Humane also currently has a number of pets that are available for adoption, including an adorable black cat named Stooge who is described as a “lap cat.”

Watch the video above to meet Stooge.