
Is this the world’s most difficult cookbook?

Heart surgeon and chef team up for new cookbook

At first glance you might not think a doctor and chef have much in common, but you might be surprised. A Michelin starred chef and a heart surgeon have teamed up to create what they believe is the world’s most difficult cookbook.

Chef Fredrik Berselius and cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon Dr. Nirav Patel are the brain’s behind “The Heart Surgeon’s Cookbook”. The cookbook features nine recipes that use surgical skills while cooking. There are multiple similarities between surgery and advanced cooking like dexterity, precision, preparation, teamwork, and attention to detail, explained Dr. Patel.

“The Heart Surgeon’s Cookbook” can be downloaded online for free.

Watch the video above to see Live In The D host Tati Amare talk with Dr. Patel and Chef Berselius about their cookbook.

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