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Don’t let winter take a toll on your skin

Doctor’s advice for avoiding dry, cracked skin

The frigid temperatures and lack of humidity can be the perfect equation for dry and cracked skin in the winter, but there are ways to avoid this common issue.

Dr. Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon who has gone viral on TikTok, appeared on Live In The D to share some advice on protecting your skin throughout the winter.

Dr. Youn explained that timing is critical when it comes to winterproofing your body. He said you need to apply a body moisturizer within two minutes of getting out of the shower. Another message from the doctor was to avoid taking too hot of showers, which can also dry out your skin.

You should use a facial moisturizer in both the morning and the evening in the winter, Dr. Youn said. He also stressed that it’s important to use a product that’s specifically designed for your face, so that it won’t clog your pours and cause you to break out. If you have cracked skin on your face, the doctor suggests using a cold cream.

Dr. Youn also explained that it’s important to use hand moisturizer products that are specifically designed for your hands. He said they are made to stay on your hands through several washings, while other moisturizers are not.

Watch the video above for more advice from Dr. Youn and to hear his suggestion for an anti-aging skin care routine.