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Jump right into life on the lake with show in Novi this weekend

It won’t be long before the cottages are open and the lake is busy

The warmer winter we have had this year may have you itching for an early spring, because summer will be just around the corner.

That’s the time when lakefront life in Michigan gets into full swing, whether you have a home on a lake or a cottage. Before the season arrives, now is the time to prep and plan for all the fun and you can do that at the Cottage & Lakefront Living Show at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi. The show has everything to help you with your life at the cottage and on the lake.

Show manager Dawn Baker says the show is really about five things:

  • Buy. From games to play by the beach, to a brand new boat, you’ll find everything.
  • Build. If you want to build something new, add on, or plan out a new deck, you can find assistance.
  • Renovate. From inside to the exterior, all the upgrades you want to do to your cottage or lakefront home can be addressed.
  • Decorate. An art show is part of the event so you can find those unique artisan touches that make your place special.
  • Education. Learn how to make sure your property is a legacy item in your family that is passed down from generation to generation.

“When we’re talking about the time spent at the cottage or the lake we want to make sure that it’s time well spent,” Baker said.

To see her walk through the show and highlight some of the areas, click the video player above.

To learn more about the Cottage & Lakefront Living Show click here.