Four-time Grammy Award nominee heading to Detroit

Boney James plays at the Music Hall Center on Saturday

The four-time Grammy Award Nominee saxophone player Boney James we’ll be performing at the Music Hall Center in Detroit on Saturday. However, the artist first appeared on “Live in the D” to talk about some of his music.

James played his first ever show in Detroit back in 1993. Motown music is actually the first music he fell in love with, and to this day, Stevie Wonder’s and Marvin Gaye’s music is still some of his favorite music to listen to.

James’ guitar player’s song that he’s featured on called “Cigar Lounge” hit number one on Billboard’s Smooth Jazz Airplay Chart in April. That song hitting number one was James’ 20th single hitting number one on Billboard. That would make him the only artist in his genre that’s ever achieved the accomplishment.

However, James wants everyone to know he’s not just a jazz artist.

“Just because you play saxophone people think you’re a jazz artist and I have elements of jazz in my music,” said James. “I always think of myself as a R&B singer trapped in a sax players body... I like to just call it Boney James music and hopefully people will let me get away with that,” James continued.

James has a new CD coming out in October but can’t disclose the name just yet. Check out James at the Music Hall Center on Saturday at 8 p.m.

To see the full interview with Boney James, click the video player above.