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Experts say take these steps to stay healthy as you age

Doctor gives 4 tips to stay healthy as you get older

Lets face it, aging is something that’s going to happen whether we like it or not. As you reach a certain age, there are extra things to consider when it comes to healthy aging. Dr. Patricia Ferguson of Blue Cross, Blue Shield stopped by “Live in the D,” and gave four steps people should take toward healthy aging.

1.) Have a relationship with your primary care physician — Having this relationship is key to understanding and keeping aware of all the factors they can help you look out for and manage.

2.) Fall risk and prevention — This is something we should all look at and be aware of as we age. As we age, falls are much more common. Maintain communication with your provider if you’re feeling off balanced, or dizzy. You can ask questions about medications, exercise and activities you can do to help with balancing. Falling is not a normal part of aging.

3.) Bladder changes — A significant number of seniors, both men and women, have issues with bladder control, lost leakage, and the urgency of feeling like you have to run or you’re not going to make it. This can lead to embarrassing situations and isolation. Talk to providers to find out if any medications you take have an impact on this. Look for signs and symptoms of infection. Look for options like exercises, and if necessary, look for specialist that can help and possible surgical opitions.

4.) Exercise and physical activity — This is critical and sometimes even more important in maintaining cardiovascular health. It helps to reduce obesity and helps your body to reduce hormones that can contribute to other medical conditions and complications. You can do Tai Chai, aerobics or other exercises. If you aren’t mobile you can do chair exercises. It’s good to work with trainers and professionals.

For more tips on how you can stay healthy while you age, click here.