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Is your child getting the education you want?

Consider what you’d like your student to learn beyond standard lessons

Back-to-school season is just around the corner, and it’s a good time to look at whether the school your child attends is everything you want it to be to prepare them for their future. Bradford Academy in Southfield is offering new students a new education experience.

“We pride ourselves on being a school that focuses on the whole child,” said Bradford Academy principal Jason Veitch. “We want to extend the learning beyond the walls of just the traditional classroom,” he explained.

In addition to in-classroom education and sports opportunities, Bradford Academy offers an aviation program, mentoring programs, and students can participate in academic games. They even have a cooking exploration club where students can make food and do taste testing.

Bradford Academy also offers social-emotional learning with student advocates and at-risk social work, explained multi-tiered system of supports coordinator Jasmine Key.

“We’re very unique in the fact that we are pre-K through 12th grade all on one campus,” Veitch said. Bradford Academy has buses that service all around Detroit and Metro Detroit.

Click here or watch the video above to learn more about Bradford Academy.