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What to know about your child's health as they head back to school

You know about school supply checklists but this list is just as important

As kids across the area prepare to head back to school, one thing they are familiar with is the school supply checklist, but there’s another checklist families need to consider. Dr. Kelly Levasseur, a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, appeared on “Live In The D” to share important things that families can do to prepare for the first day of school.

Dr. Levasseur says one of the most important things parents can do is get back into a healthy routine. Having “to-dos” ensure kids know what to expect. Also, sleep should be a big part of the routine. “It’s important kids are going to bed at a normal school time, and get the amount of sleep that they need,“ said Dr. Levasseur. Recommended hours of sleep are 10-13 for preschoolers, 9-12 for those in elementary school, and 8-10 for teenagers.

Another thing you want to make sure you do before school starts is to give your school all instructions for special healthcare needs of your child. “If we have children who have asthma or even anaphylactic reactions to food or to medications, make sure you’re talking to the school, the school nurse, and letting them know what the plan is in case your child has any symptoms.“

One great way to learn more about your child’s overall health is by getting a back to school physical. It’s also a great time to check to make sure they are up to date on vaccines and immunizations.

Situations may also occur, after the start of school, when parents will need to decide if they should see their pediatrician or go to the emergency room. Dr. Levasseur says you should consider taking your child to the ER if they display any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe pain
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Severe bleeding
  • Signs of severe allergic reaction
  • Poisoning
  • Head injury with severe symptoms
  • Severe burns

You can learn more about the emergency services at Children’s Hospital of Michigan by clicking here.

To hear when Dr. Levasseur suggests your child should stay home from school, click the video above.