A weight loss success story of inspiration

The results speak for themself

Loosing weight can be difficult. Many Americans deal with this challenge in their lives and will go on crash diets, or try other methods, to loose weight. In the end, many times, those yo-you dieting methods only make you gain more weight. Dr. Keith Guthrie with Pure Complete Weight Loss appeared on “Live In The D” with a patient of his to share about what he does differently to lead to weight loss success.

Sheree Weddell is a patient of Dr. Guthrie who lost 76 pounds and shed 36 inches with his program. It’s something she didn’t think was possible. “I struggled. I lost weight, gained weight,” said Weddell. “After so long, I continued to struggle.”

Weddell said in the end what helped her the most with the program was seeing the success which led to more success and continued weight loss.

Dr. Guthrie says it’s all about applying yourself to see the results and it can work for anyone. “We hold our patients accountable and we make sure they reach their goals,” said Dr. Guthrie. “We make it fun and easy to navigate life and to live a healthy lifestyle, and to get results quickly.”

The plan is customized for each individual. To schedule a free consultation today you can call (586) 731-1188, or visit the website here.

To see the before and after pictures of Weddell’s weight loss success, click the video play above.