These days, you’ll find Luther “Badman” Keith strumming a guitar, but for years, he was a veteran journalist.
Keith’s musical journey didn’t start until he was in his thirties.
“I bought a blues album one day, I don’t know why, and I saw a performance by a guy named Luther Allison—saw him live, and I said, ‘man, I want to learn to play that blues guitar because it looks so cool,’” Keith said.
Keith ended up buying a guitar from a pawn shop, and from there, he learned to play.
“I made my living as a journalist, so I actually think songwriting is my best skill,” Keith said.
Luther “Badman” Keith will show off his skills at Baker’s Keyboard Lounge in Detroit on Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m.
Watch the video above to see Luther “Badman Keith” perform the song “Last Call for the Blues.”