Getting inspired for retirement

Let presidents inspired you on this Presidents' Day

This Presidents' Day, we want you to think about the presidents on the money you have in your bank account, specifically the $1 and $5 bill. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are inspirations to our country by the characteristics they displayed. When it comes to being a leader, honest, and not afraid of change, those are things you can also think about when it comes to your retirement. Tom Jacobs, CEO and founder of Jacobs Financial Services appeared on “Live In The D” to explain.

Just like Washington led the country, Jacobs wants to lead you in the right direction. “So many people are operating under misinformation,” said Jacobs. “We would like to coach you to show you how you can win in your retirement by getting the heck out of the market and using other products to create a winning retirement.

Honesty is key as well, something that many remember President Lincoln for. “You need to be honest with where you are. Are you saving regularly? Are you saving in tax deferred accounts? Are you saving in taxable accounts? We’d love to put together a one page snapshot to show you where all your assets are,” said Jacobs. He says it’s one way to get an honest look at your retirement situation.

Some of the other things Jacobs address are when you should think about changing, and how his family inspired his business. You can learn more about that by clicking the video player above.

You can get in touch with Jacobs Financial Services by calling (248) 250-9003.

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