Are you thinking about adopting a puppy?

Learn a lesson in Puppy 101

With the arrival of spring and warmer weather on the way, you might feel like it’s the perfect time to get a puppy. Lidia Vesterfelt with Michigan Humane appeared on “Live In The D” to share a lesson in Puppy 101.

Vesterfelt’s puppy advice includes starting training early. She stressed the importance of finding a trainer you trust for puppy socialization classes and you can graduate to more advanced classes. Vesterfelt also recommends introducing your puppy to a lot of different people to help make them comfortable around strangers.

Before all of the excitement begins, it’s important to remember that puppies need decompression time at their new home. Taking things slow can help puppies acclimate.

Michigan Humane has multiple dogs that need to be adopted, including an adorable 3-month-old puppy named Kingsley. Watch the video above to meet him.