Money Monday: IRS scam warning -- email phishing, threats over phone

IRS will not email you about tax bills, won’t call you about collections

It’s always a good thing to reacquaint ourselves with the issues that can prevent scammers from taking money from us.

Scammers love to use the IRS to get you to give them money. But how do you know the difference between a scam and the IRS?

The IRS says email phishing is the big thing lately. People are being scammed via email.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • If you owe taxes, the IRS usually starts any contact by mailing you a bill.
  • The IRS does not email you and it does not request any personal or financial information by email.
  • The IRS will sometimes initiate contact in person either at your home or at your business.
  • If that is the case, always demand to see proper identification.
  • If you received an email phishing letter do not click on any links or respond in any way.
  • You should save it and then send it as an attachment to the IRS.

Watch for phone scams

There are also phone scams where they make it look like they’re calling from the IRS -- they are not!

  • The IRS does not call you first -- they snail mail.
  • The IRS and its authorized collection agencies will not:
    • Leave pre-recorded, urgent or threatening messages.
    • Have local police arrest you, revoke your driver’s license or even deport you.
  • Ignore any calls demanding immediate payments, particularly if they want prepaid debit cards, gift cards or wire transfers.
  • Simply hang up immediately.

Further reading:

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