Zamboni Operator needed at Eddie Edgar Ice Arena in Livonia


Job Title

Zamboni Operator

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Livonia, Michigan

Job Type 

Full Time, Hourly

Job Summary

Experienced Full time Zamboni operator position, nights and weekends. We offer a competitive hourly rate and benefits.

Responsibilities and Duties

The qualified candidate will be responsible for ice maintenance, Ice resurfacing, skate sharpening, customer service during hours of operation, some building janitorial and general opening and closing procedures.

Qualifications and Skills

Qualified candidate must be experienced in Zamboni operations and ice maintenance. Knowledge of skate sharpening is a plus. Qualified candidates must have a current drivers license pass a background check, and drug testing.

How to apply

Apply in person at Eddie Edgar Ice Arena 
33841 Lyndon St. Livonia, MI 48154