Detroit police: Woman shoots man outside home

Suspect is licensed CPL holder; Victim in critical condition

DETROIT – Detroit police said a man is in critical condition after being shot early Monday morning by a woman outside her home.

Leon Jones told Local 4 his wife did what she needed to do to protect herself when a strange man approached her at 4 a.m. in their driveway in the 11700 block of Minden Street.

"All I heard was a gunshot, and she was screaming out here. The first priority was check the kids," James said.

No description found

The couple's 12-year-old and 22-year-old were not hurt.

Jones said his wife shot the man in the chest, but he kept walking toward her and said he was going to kill her.

Jones said he let the family's dogs out to try to scare the man.

"They protected her. They did what they were supposed to do. I'm just glad to have the dogs at that time," Jones said.

No description found

Police said the woman has a valid gun license. Jones said he was the one who pushed his wife to get one.

"I made her get it. She didn't want to get it. I kept telling her, 'I'm not here with you all the time,'" he said.

Police haven't said if they'll pursue charges against the woman or the man.